Comedy Hypnotist Brad Clark

comedy hypnotist Brad ClarkComedy Hypnotist Brad Clark has developed a  “Believe and Achieve” message that has helped to motivate people all across the country to make positive lifestyle changes.  Comedy Hypnotist Brad Clark knows “If you can conceive it in your mind and believe it in your heart you will achieve it in your life”.

“The mind and the body don’t know the difference between imagination and reality; therefore if you can imagine it, then the body will start to respond to achieve it.”After serving in the United States Air Force, Comedy Hypnotist Brad Clark’s personality took him into medical sales working for many of the leading companies in the ophthalmic industry.  The psychology of selling is where he began his interest in how people respond to others and their environment.  He was Nikon Inc.’s salesman of the year three years running before coming off the road to build a business with his wife and family.

Comedy Hypnotist Brad Clark enjoys working with young adults across the country in high schools and colleges to realize that even though they might not be conscious about the information they put inside their minds, all the information is being stored and is operating in their subconscious.  “We are similar to computers in that our subconscious is like a hard drive, retaining all the information presented and operating in the background.  Our conscious is like the desktop, bringing up the stored information when needed.  That is why the music we listen to, the shows and games we watch and the people that we surround ourselves with are important.”  Comedy Hypnotist Brad Clark demonstrates the power of suggestion throughout his show.

Hypnosis is simply a state of mind in which the person is open to suggestions.  Because the mind and the body cannot differentiate between imagination and reality the volunteers respond as though it is real.

Comedy Hypnotist Brad Clark’s show is full of fun and excitement as he takes the real stars of the show to a tropical island where they enjoy the warm sun and beach.  Of course a luau is a must with hula dancers and sometimes there are auditions for a movie being filmed there on the beach.  All of Comedy Hypnotist Brad Clark’s shows are customized to the event and can be enjoyed by every one of all ages.  Holiday parties are great especially when Elvis as Santa Claus shows up.  Brad always completes his show with post-hypnotic suggestions that keep the audience laughing long after the show.

To keep up to date on all of our comedy hypnotists – follow us on Twitter.

Watch Comedy Hypnotist Brad Clark’s Demo Video…

[youtube id=”kOMxwesOsD4″ width=”600″ height=”350″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”” class=””]

Comedy Hypnotist Brad Clark’s Credits and Clients Include…

United Auto Workers – Improve – Guitars and Cadillac’s – Ameristar Casinos – Hy-Vee Food Stores Inc. – Waterloo Courier – Black Hills State College – Northwest Missouri State University – Dine College – English Valley Community Schools – Pleasant Valley School District – Blooming Prairie School District…plus many more!

To Check Availability and Pricing or to Book Comedy Hypnotist Brad Clark fill out the form or call us at 608-399-4683…