Comedian Tom Ryan

clean corporate comedian Tom RyanClean Corporate Comedian Tom Ryan is a national favorite for corporate event entertainment.  People often ask clean Comedian Tom Ryan if he got started as the Class Clown.  With most comics usually the answer is “no”.  However in the case of Tom Ryan it turns out to be true.  When he was in eighth grade, his classmates actually voted him the class clown.  “I would have preferred the term ‘class comedian’.”

All the time, his favorite comedians were Bill Cosby, David Brenner, Woody Allen and George Carlin.  He listened to Carlin’s ” AM/FM” album over and over again until he had it completely memorized.  One day during recess he recited the entire album for a crowd of about 40 classmates.  It was at that moment that he realized that he wanted to be a stand-up corporate comedian.

At 26, corporate comedian Tom Ryan left an insurance job in his hometown of Philadelphia to move to Florida and work at a golf course.  The job lasted only 3 weeks.  Corporate Comedian Tom Ryan says, “Losing that job was the best thing that ever happened to me because it forced me to confront exactly what I wanted to do with my life.”  It was not long before Tom made his stage debut.  Within two years he as working full time as a comedian.  Since then Tom Ryan has worked steadily at comedy clubs, concert venues, corporate functions and colleges across the U.S.

Corporate comedian Tom Ryan’s original style makes it easy for him to write for specific events.  He has contributed monologue jokes to the award winning “Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher” and regularly headlines corporate events for companies ranging from Coca-Cola to Church and Dwight.

Clean Corporate Comedian Tom Ryan believes that the best comedy comes from the most unlikely sources.  Here is an example from his act: “I was driving around the other day and my oil light came on.  But that little symbol looks nothing like an oil can.  When it first came on I thought well, apparently my car is low on gravy.”

Keep up to date with Comedian Tom Ryan and all of the ProBookings comedians by following us on Twitter.

Watch Corporate Comedian Tom Ryan’s Demo Video…

[youtube id=”MYaSJUK-60I” width=”600″ height=”350″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”” class=””]

Corporate Comedian Tom Ryan’s Credits and Clients…

Late Night with David Letterman – Premium Blend – Comedy Central – Improv. Com Webcast Comedy Club – Showtime’s Comedy On The Road – Caroline’s Comedy Club – A&E – Compaq – Continental Airlines – Comedy Central – Morgan Stanley – Time Warner – Knight Ridder – Broad & Cassell – Coca Cola Inc. – Carnival Cruise Lines – Digital Equipment – Miami Police Dept – Dean Whitter – Rexall Drugs – Unify Corp. – Waldec Computer Group…plus many more!

To book Comedian Tom Ryan or to check availability and pricing fill out the contact form or call ProBookings at 608-399-4683.


